Stelle Si libertus qui fulcfree factus est...; (Edictus Rothari (643 - 643), MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 55-56) [5577]

Basic Information
ID 5577
Text Edictus Rothari (643 - 643) Rothari, Rothair
Quotation Si libertus qui fulcfree factus est filius dereliquerit legetemus sint illi heredes; si filias habeant legem suam; si naturales habeant et ipsi legem suam. Et si casu faciente sine heredes mortuus fuerit et antea iudicaverit se vivo res suas proprias, id est andegeware et arigawere secundum legem langobardorum habest cui donaverit…
Translation If the freedman who has been made folkfree leaves legitimate sons, they shall be his heirs; if he leaves daughters, thcy shall have their legal share. If he leaves natural sons, they shall also have their legal share. But if he dies without heirs but while still alive made provision according to Lombard law for his personal property, that is, for his [h]andegawere [hand tools] and his arigawere [weapons], then he to whom he left it shall have that property… (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), pp. 96-97)
Summary Rothari, No. 225 confirms that the legitimate sons and daughters and natural sons of a libertus [freedman] should inherit in the same fashion as the children of a man who was born free rather than freed. It then adds that if he has no children, any donation that he has arranged according to legem langobardorum [law of the Lombards] for his tools and weapons should be respected. The law then goes on to conclude that, without heirs, his other property should be taken up by the gasinds [retainers] of his duke.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 55-56
Temporal Coverage 643 - 643
Associated use case(s)