Stelle Constantinus, apud Syracusam audien...; (Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743), Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §26 (p. 316)) [5624]

Basic Information
ID 5624
Text Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743) Anonymous - History
Quotation Constantinus, apud Syracusam audiens seditions suorum occisum patrem, coronatur imperio…
Translation Constantinus heard that his father was killed at Syracuse by the sedition of his own men. He was crowned emperor… (Al-Tamimi, trans., “Byzantine-Arabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the Chronica Byzantina Arabica recounts how Constantine IV was made emperor, following the death of his father.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §26 (p. 316)
Temporal Coverage 668 - 685
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects