Stelle Itaque post absortum fuerit regnum ...; (Revelationes of Pseudo-Methodius (650 - 700), PsM X, 6 (pp. 108-9)) [5626]

Basic Information
ID 5626
Text Revelationes Pseudo-Methodii (650 - 700) Pseudo-Methodius
Quotation Itaque post absortum fuerit regnum Persarum, consurgent pro illis adversus Romanorum imperium filii Hismahel, filii Agar, quos scriptura commemorans „australem brachium“ appellavit.
Translation And so after the kingdom of the Persians is swallowed up, 6 in their place against the empire of the Romans will rise up the sons of Ishmael, the son of Hagar, whom the scripture mentions, calling them "the arm of the south."
Quotation source PsM X, 6 (pp. 108-9)
Associated use case(s)