Stelle Primo anno regni sui omnem experien...; (Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743), Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §34 (pp. 318-19)) [5627]

Basic Information
ID 5627
Text Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743) Anonymous - History
Quotation Primo anno regni sui omnem experientiam atque uirtutem animi exercitans sui aduersus Habdella, quem pater multoties uariisimpetierat bellis, ad ultimum apud Maccam, abrahe, ut ipsi putant, que inter Vr Caldeorum et Carras Mesopotamie urbem, in heremo ediacet, mota congressione, habdella rex a duce exercitus Iahihie nomine, destinatio a rege Habedelmelc, interfectus est, caputque predicti regis Habdella precisum Abdelmelc regis filio, Maroan ab Aiaie duce exercitus Damasco presentatur [...] fratremque supra premissum cui pater a finibus Egypti usque ad fretum Gaditanum tradiderat potestatem regnique post eum iusserat successorem…
Translation In the first year of his rule, he directed all the experience and virtue of the mind of his army against Habdella (whom his father had attacked so many times in various wars) all the way finally to Macca- as they consider it, the home of Abraham, which lies in the desert between Ur of the Chaldeans and Carra the city of Mesopotamia. With the attack put in motion, king Habdella was killed by the leader of the army called Tahihie appointed by king Habdemele. And the decapitated head of the aforementioned Habdella was presented to Habdelmele the son of king Maroan at Damascus by Aiaie the leader of the army [...] And as his previously mentioned brother (to whom his father had handed power from the borders of Egypt all the way to the Gaditan strait and had ordered to be a successor of the kingdom after him) had been overcome in a fatal accident, he decreed that the kingdom was all the same to be handed over to his own children. (Al-Tamimi, trans., “Byzantine-Arabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the Chronica Byzantina Arabica recounts military campaigns undertaken by the Caliph Abd al-Malik bin Marwan.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §34 (pp. 318-19)
Temporal Coverage 685 - 705
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects