Stelle [...] Qui iam secundi anni gubernac...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §18 (p. 335)) [5641]

Basic Information
ID 5641
Text Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 754) Anonymous - History
Quotation [...] Qui iam secundi anni gubernacula prorogans, Libin marmorichin et Pentapolim, Gazantiam quoque uel Eziopiam, que supra Egiptum in heremi adiacent plagis, Sarracenorum sociabit regimini et dicioni subiecit plurimasque ciuitates Persarum tributarias fecit. [...]
Translation [...] During the second year of his rule he expanded the extent of the government and he joined to the Saracens' rule and subjected to their dominion Libya Marmoricis, Pentapolis, Gazania and also Eziopia, which lie in the desert sands beyond Egypt. He also made very many cities of the Persians tributaries [...] (Al-Tamimi, trans., “The Mozarabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the chronicle recounts the reign of the caliph Uthman.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §18 (p. 335)
Temporal Coverage 644 - 656
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects