SpatialCoverage <QuerySet [<Stelle: Sarracenorum principatum Etheman su...; (Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743), Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §23 (pp. 314-15)) [5621]>, <Stelle: [...] Qui iam secundi anni gubernac...; (Chronica Anni 754 Vel Chronica Muzarabica (754 - 2020), Chroniques Anni 754, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §18 (p. 335)) [5641]>]> - Pantapolis (Pentapolis), [wurzel: Pantapol*]
Passages |
Keyword | Pantapolis (Pentapolis), [wurzel: Pantapol*] |
Approximate localisation | SRID=4326;POLYGON ((34.438705 31.533464, 34.554749 31.686089, 34.778595 31.819796, 35.020981 31.909604, 34.789581 31.589046, 34.438705 31.533464)) |
Points and lines | None |
Degree of uncertainty | 7 |
Passage |