Stelle (a. 889) Habundant vero tanta multi...; (Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908), Regino of Prüm, Chronicon, ed. by Friedrich Kurze, Monumenta Germaniae Historica: SS rer. Germ. in us. schol. separatim editi, 50 (Hanover: Hahn, 1890), p. 1 [5664]

Basic Information
ID 5664
Text Chronicon (Regino abbatis Prumiensis) (900 - 908) Regino of Prüm
Quotation (a. 889) Habundant vero tanta multitudine populorum, ut eos genitale solum non sufficiat alere. Septemtrionalis quippe plaga, quanto magis ab estu solis remota est et nivali frigore gelida, tanto salubrior corporibus hominum et propagandis gentibus coaptat; sicut econtra omnis meridiana regio, quo solis est fervori vicinor, eo semper morbis habundat et educandis minus est apta mortalibus: unde fit, ut tantae populorum multitudines arctos sub axe oriantur, utr non inmerito universa illa regio Thanai tenus useque ad occidum, licet et propriis loca in ea singula nuncupentur nominibus, generali tamen vocabulo Germania vocitetur. Ab hac ergo populosa Germania sepe innumerabiles captivorum turmae abductae, meridianis populis precio distrahuntur; multae quoque ex ea, pro eo quod tantos mortalium germinat, quantos alere vix sufficit, freuenter gentes egressae sunt, quae nihilominus et partes Asiae, sed maxime sibi contiguam Europam affixerunt. Testantur hoc ubique urbes erutae per totam Illiricum galliamque, sed maxime miserae Italiae, quae pene illarum omnium est gentium experta sevitiam.
Translation (a. 889) They overflowed with such a huge population, however, that the land they alreday had was not enough to feed them. This is because the further the lands of the north are removed from the warmth of the sun, and the more they are frozen by icy snow, the healthier they are for human bodies and the more suitable for propagation of peoples. Conversely, all the southern regions, which are closer to the sun's heat, always abound in illness and are less well adapted to the rearing of humans. This is why such great numbers of peoples spring up under the northern skies, so that it is quite correct to call that entire region from the Don to the west by the general name of Germany$, although individual places within it also have their own names. Because Germany is so populous, innumerable groups of captives are often taken from there and sold to southern peoples for money. peoples have frequently left this region because it produces so many human beings that there are barely enough resources to fee them. These groups have afflicted Asia, but mainly they have troubled adjacent part sof europe. Ruined cities thorughout Illyricum and Gaul testify to this but above all unhappy Italy has experienced the savaergy of lamost all of these peoples.
Quotation source Regino of Prüm, Chronicon, ed. by Friedrich Kurze, Monumenta Germaniae Historica: SS rer. Germ. in us. schol. separatim editi, 50 (Hanover: Hahn, 1890), p. 131-132
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