Stelle Terret praeceptis feralibus, ut in ...; (None, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, I,´12, translation: Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution, translation by John Moorhead, Translated Texts for Historians, vol. 10 (Liverpool Univ [5688]

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ID 5688
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Quotation Terret praeceptis feralibus, ut in medieo Wandalorum nostri nullatenus respirarent neque usquam orandi aut immolandi concederetur gemmentibus locus; ut manifeste tunc prophetiae vaticinium compleretur: non est in hoc tempore princeps aut propheta vel dux, neque locus ad sacrificandum nomini tuo. Nam et diversae calumniae non deerant cotidie, etiam illis sacerdotibus qui in his regionibus versabantur, quae regiones palatio tributa pendebant. Et si forsitan quispiam, ut moris est, dum dei populum admoneret, Pharaonem, Nabuchodonosor, Holofernem aut aliquem similem nominasset, obiciebatur illi, quod in persona regis ista dixisset, et statim exilio trudebatur. Hoc enim persecutionis genus agebatur, hic aperte, alibi occulte, ut piorum nomen talbus insidiis interiret.
Translation 22 By his [Geiseric's] deadly commands he caused terror, so that in the midst of the Vandals our people were quite unable to breathe. No place for praying or offering the sacrifice was conceded to these people in their grief, so that there was openly fulfilled the prediction of the prophet: 'In this time there is no prince or prophet or leader, nor a place to sacrifice to your name.' (Dan 3:38 Vulg) For every day saw fresh pieces of trickery which also affected those bishops who dwelt in regions which paid tribute to the palace. If perchance someone, as is the custom in sermons to the people of God, named Pharaoh, Nabuchodonosor, Holofernis or someone similar, they accused him of having said such things against the person of the king, and immediately drove him into exile. For this was the nature of the persecution being waged, here openly and there covertly. Their aim in using such pieces of trickery was to cause the name of the pious to persih utterly.
Quotation source Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, I,´12, translation: Victor of Vita: History of the Vandal Persecution, translation by John Moorhead, Translated Texts for Historians, vol. 10 (Liverpool University Press: 1992), p. 1
Temporal Coverage 430 - 433
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