Stelle Qui uidelicet Nothelmus postea Roma...; (Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (731 - 731), Praef. 2-3 (p. 98)) [893]

Basic Information
ID 893
Text Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (731 - 731) Bede
Quotation Qui uidelicet Nothelmus postea Romam ueniens, nonnullas ibi beati Gregorii papae simul et aliorum pontificum epistulas, perscrutato eiusdem sanctae ecclesiae Romanae scrinio, permissu eius, qui nunc ipsi ecclesiae praeest Gregorii pontificis, inuenit, reuersusque nobis nostrae historiae inserendas cum consilio praefati Albini reuerentissimi patris adtulit. A principio itaque uoluminis huius usque ad tempus, quo gens Anglorum fidem Christi percepit, ex priorum maxime scriptis hinc inde collectis ea quae promeremus didicimus. Exinde autem usque ad tempora praesentia, quae in ecclesia Cantuariorum per discipulos beati papae Gregorii siue successores eorum, uel sub quibus regibus gesta sint, memorati abbatis Albini industria, Nothelmo ut diximus perferente, cognouimus.
Translation Afterwards Nothhelm went to Rome and got permission from the present Pope Gregory to search through the archives of the holy Roman church and there found some letters of St. Gregory and of other popes. On the advice of Father Albinus he brought them to us on his return to be included in our History. So, from the period at which this volume begins to the time when the English race accepted the faith of Christ, I have obtained my material from here and there, chiefly form the writings of earlier writers. From then to the present time I have learned what the disciples of St. Gregory or their successors did in teh Kentish church and under what kings these events happened, through the efforts of Abbot Albinus, Nothhelm, as I said, acting as intermediary. (Translation: Colgrave/Mynors, Oxford Medieval Texts, p. 5)
Quotation source Praef. 2-3 (p. 98)
Temporal Coverage 715 - 731
Associated use case(s)