Stelle Filii Sem quinque singulariter gent...; (Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633), ix.2.3-4) [979]

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ID 979
Text Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Filii Sem quinque singulariter gentes singulas procreauerunt. Quorum primus Elam, a quo Elamitae principes Persidis: secundus Assur, a quo Assyriorum pullulauit imperium: tertius Arphaxat, a quo gens Chaldaeorum exorta est: quartus Ludi, a quo Lydii: quintus Aram, a quo Syri, quorum metropolis fuit Damascus. Filii Aram, nepotes Sem, quattuor: Hus et Vl et Gether et Mes.
Translation 3. The five sons of Shem each brought forth individual nations. The first of these was Elam, from whom descended the Elamites, princes of the Persians. The second Asshur, from whom sprang the empire of the Assyrians. The third Arpachshad, from whom the nation of the Chaldeans arose. The fourth Lud, from whom came the Lydians. The fifth Aram, from whom descended the Syrians, whose capital city was Damascus. 4. There are four sons of Aram, the grandsons of Shem: Uz, Hul, Gether, and Mash. (Barney-Lewis-Beach-Berghof, CUP 2006, p. 192)
Quotation source ix.2.3-4
Associated use case(s)