Stelle Circumcidunt quoque Iudaei praeputi...; (Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633), xix.23.7-8) [980]

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ID 980
Text Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Circumcidunt quoque Iudaei praeputia, pertundunt Arabes aures, flauent capitibus intectis Getae, nitent Albani albentibus crinibus. Mauros habet tetra nox corporum, Gallos candida cutis; sine equis inertes extant Alani: nec abest gens Pictorum, nomen a corpore, quod minutis opifex acus punctis et expressus natiui graminis sucus inludit, ut has ad sui specimen cicatrices ferat, pictis artubus maculosa nobilitas. Habet et sexus institutam speciem habitus; ut in uiris tonsi capilli, in mulieribus redundantia crinium, quod maxime uirginibus insigne est; quarum et ornatus ipse proprie sic est, ut concumulatus in uerticem ipsam capitis sui arcem ambitu crinium contegat.
Translation The Jews circumcise the foreskin, the Arabs pierce their ears, the Getae with their uncovered heads are blond, the Albanians shine with their white hair. The Moors have bodies black as night, while the skin of the Gauls is white. Without their horses, the Alani are idle. Nor should we omit the Picts ( Pictus ), whose name is taken from their bodies, because an artisan, with the tiny point of a pin and the juice squeezed from a native plant, tricks them out with scars to serve as identifying marks, and their nobility are distinguished by their tattooed ( pictus ) limbs. 8 . The sexes also have accepted customs of appearance, such as short hair for men and flowing locks for women, long hair being the mark of virgins in particular. For women the hair is properly arranged when it is gathered up on the top of the head and protects the citadel of their head with a circle of hair. (Trans. Barney, Lewis, Beach and Berghof, 2006, p. 386)
Quotation source xix.23.7-8
Associated use case(s)