Text Chronicon Venetum (1008 - 1018)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 204.0
Old primary key 204
Title Chronicon Venetum
Language lat
Century 11th.
From 1008
To 1018
not before 1008
not after 1018
Edition MGH, SS 7, 1846 (G. H. Pertz), p. 4-38
Genre Annals
Original data {"tid": 204, "tautor": "82", "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Chronicon Venetum", "tzeitvon": "1008", "tzeitbis": "1018", "tjh": "11th. ", "tedition1": "MGH, SS 7, 1846 (G. H. Pertz), p. 4-38", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "5", "tkommentar": "", "tort": "110", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": null}
  • John the Deacon (Venetian Chronicler)
  • Place
  • Venice
  • Autoren
    Basic Information
    ID 82.0
    PK 82
    Name (de) Johannes Diakon aus Venedig
    Name (en) Iohannes diaconus Venetus
    Name (lat) John the Deacon (Venetian Chronicler)
    Name (fr) Jean le Diacre
    Name (it) Giovanni da Venezia
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 10th - 11th c.
    von 940
    bis 1018
    Ort Venice
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/119517957
    Kommentar Deacon and chronicler. Birthplace uncertain
    ID 110.0
    PK 110
    Name (antik) Venetia
    Name (de) Venedig
    Name (fr) Venise
    Name (it) Venezia
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 12.3319
    Breitengrad 45.4398
    Art des Ortes Ort
    Kategorie main place
    CSV {"ortid": 110, "ort_en": "Venice", "ort_antik": "Venetia", "ort_de": "Venedig", "ort_fr": "Venise", "ort_it": "Venezia", "koordn": 45.4398, "koordw": 12.3319, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "main place", "heilige": ""}