Text Vita Bonifatii (Otloh) (1001 - 1100)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 225.0
Old primary key 225
Title Vita Bonifatii (Otloh)
Language lat
Century 11th.
From 1001
To 1100
not before 1001
not after 1100
Edition MGH, Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum 57, 1905 (W. Levison), p. 111-217
Genre Vitae
Comment The place of origin of the text is uncertain.
Original data {"tid": 225, "tautor": "90", "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Vita Bonifatii (Otloh)", "tzeitvon": "1001", "tzeitbis": "1100", "tjh": "11th. ", "tedition1": "MGH, Scriptores Rerum Germanicarum 57, 1905 (W. Levison), p. 111-217 ", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "2", "tkommentar": "The place of origin of the text is uncertain.", "tort": "120", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": null}
  • Otloh of St. Emmeram
  • Place
  • Regensburg
  • Autoren
    Basic Information
    ID 90.0
    PK 90
    Name (de) Otloh von St. Emmeram
    Name (en) Othlonus Sancti Emmerami
    Name (lat) Otloh of St. Emmeram
    Name (fr) Otloh de Saint-Emmeram
    Name (it) Otlone di Sant'Emmerano
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 11th c.
    von 1010
    bis 1079
    Ort Regensburg
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/118590677
    Kommentar Monk, author, composer
    ID 120.0
    PK 120
    Name (antik) Ratisbona
    Name (de) Regensburg
    Name (fr) Ratisbonne
    Name (it) Ratisbona
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 12.096944
    Breitengrad 49.017222
    Art des Ortes Ort
    Kategorie main place
    CSV {"ortid": 120, "ort_en": "Regensburg ", "ort_antik": "Ratisbona ", "ort_de": "Regensburg ", "ort_fr": "Ratisbonne", "ort_it": "Ratisbona", "koordn": 49.017222, "koordw": 12.096944, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "main place", "heilige": ""}