Stelle Sarracenorum principatum Etheman su...; (Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743), Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §23 (pp. 314-15)) [5621]

Basic Information
ID 5621
Text Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743) Anonymous - History
Quotation Sarracenorum principatum Etheman sue gentis suscepit xv egressionis Sarracenorum an. et gubernacula prerpgauit annis XII. Iste Libin Marmoricim et Pantapolim, Kazaniam quoque uel Eziopiam, que supra Egyptum in heremi adiacent plagis, Sarracenorum sociauit regimini et diciono subiecit plurimasque ciuitates Persarum tributarias fecit.
Translation For the Saracens, Etheman assumed the leadership of his people and ruled for 12 years. This man joined to the control of the Saracens and subjected to their command Libya Marmoricis and Pentapolis, as well as Kazania and even Aethiopia, which lie beyond Egypt in the expanses of desert. And he made very many cities of the Persians tributaries. After accomplishing these things, Etheman was killed in their civil war. (Al-Tamimi, trans., “Byzantine-Arabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the Chronica Byzantina Arabica recounts The reign of Othman as Caliph, and his expansion of control into Libya and Ethiopia.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §23 (pp. 314-15)
Temporal Coverage 644 - 657
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects