Stelle Inde Philistaei pro Palaestinis dic...; (Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633), ix.2.58) [4025]

Basic Information
ID 4025
Text Etymologiarum sive Originum libri XX (622 - 633) Isidore of Seville
Quotation Inde Philistaei pro Palaestinis dicuntur, a ciuitate utique sua. Idem et Allophyli, id est alienigenae, ob hoc, quia semper fuerunt inimici Israel, et longe ab eorum genere ac societate separati.
Translation Hence they say Philistine for Palestinians, expressly from the name of their city. They are also called Allophyli, that is, “of foreign descent,” because they were always enemies of Israel and were set far apart from their race and society. (Trans. Barney, Lewis, Beach and Berghof, p. 195)
Quotation source ix.2.58
Associated use case(s)