Keywords |
ID |
5172 |
Text |
Edictus Rothari (643 - 643) Rothari, Rothair |
Quotation |
Si quis magistros comacinos unum aut plures rogaverit aut conduxerit ad opera dictandum aut solatium diurnum prestandum inter servos suos, domum aut casa sibi facienda, et contegerit per ipsam casam aliquem ex ipsos comacinos mori, non requiratur ab ipso cuius casa est. Nam si cadens arbor aut lapis ex ipsa fabriga occiderit aliquem extraneum, aut quodlebit damnum fecerit, non repotetur culpa magistris, sed ille qui conduxit, ipse damnum susteneat. |
Translation |
If anyone seeks out and hires one or more magistri comacini [master builders from Como] to work by the day alongside his own enslaved workers in the making of a house or home for himself, and if it happens by some chance that one of the [hired] builders is killed in connection with [the building of] that house, no compensation shall be required from him whose house it is. But if a piece of wood or stone falls from the building and kills some stranger or causes him injury, liability shall not rest upon the builders but he who hired them shall be responsible for the damages.
(Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), p. 75) |
Summary |
Rothari, No. 145 establishes that if a person employs a master builder from Como [magister comacinos] to work alongside their own enslaved workers on building him a house, then the person who hired them is not liable to pay compositon if the master builder dies in the process. However, if somebody else is killed by falling materials, then in this case the person who employed the master builder must pay the composition. |
Quotation source |
MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 33 |
Temporal Coverage |
643 - 643 |
Associated use case(s) |
Spatial Coverage Objects |
<QuerySet [<Stelle: Si magister comacinus cum collegant...; (Edictus Rothari, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 33) [5171]>, <Stelle: Si quis magistros comacinos unum au...; (Edictus Rothari, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 33) [5172]>]> - Como, [wurzel: Com*]
Comment |
The Edictus Rothari forms part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984]. |