Stelle Si quis homo liber arborem, ubi tec...; (Edictus Rothari, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 59) [5229]

Basic Information
ID 5229
Text Edictus Rothari (643 - 643) Rothari, Rothair
Quotation Si quis homo liber arborem, ubi teclatura inter fines decenendas signata est, aut deleverit, octugena solidi sit culpabiles, medietatem regi et medietatem cuius arbor fuerit. et si servus per iussionem domini sui fecerit, dominus eius conponat ut supra octugenta solidos.
Translation If a freeman cuts down or destroys a tree on which marks designating boundaries have been made, he shall pay eighty solidi, half to the king and half to him whose tree it was. And if an enslaved man does this on order from his lord, the lord shall also pay eighty solidi as composition. (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), p. 100)
Summary Rothari, No. 238 establishes an eighty solidi fine to be paid by a freeman if he either cuts down a tree with boundary markers on it, or else orders one of his enslaved workers to do so.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), pp. 59
Temporal Coverage 643 - 643
Associated use case(s)
Comment The Edictus Rothari forms part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984].