Stelle Si servi, id est concilius, manu ar...; (Edictus Rothari (643 - 643), MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 67) [5249]

Basic Information
ID 5249
Text Edictus Rothari (643 - 643) Rothari, Rothair
Quotation Si servi, id est concilius, manu armata in vico intraverint ad malum faciendum, et quicumque liber homo sub regni nostri dicione positus cum illis in capite fuerit, animae suae inccurat periculum, aut conponat solidos nongentos, medietatem regi et medietatem cui iniuria inlata est. Servi enim, qui cum ipso fuerint ex eodem concilio, unusquisquo solidos quadaginta sit culpabilis medietatem regi et medietatem ut supra.
Translation If enslaved men, that is a concilius [band], enter a village with armed hands to commit an evil deed, and some freeman from our regni [realm] placed himself at their head, then that freeman shall either be killed or he must pay 900 solidi as composition, half to the king and half to him who suffered the injury. Each of the enslaved men who were in the band with that one shall pay forty solidi, half to the king and half as above. (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), pp. 108-09)
Summary Rothari, No. 279 establishes punishment for the situation when a band [concilius] of enslaved people with weapons are led by a freeman, into a village to commit an “evil deed”. The free man is to be killed, unless he can redeem his life for a payment of 900 solidi, half to the owner of the village, half to the king, and each of the enslaved men is also to pay forty solidi, again half to the king and half to the owner of the village.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 67
Temporal Coverage 643 - 643
Associated use case(s)
Comment The Edictus Rothari forms part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984].