Stelle Si servus dum in fuga est furtum fe...; (Liutprand Leges Anni V, MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 111) [5307]

Basic Information
ID 5307
Text Liutprand Leges Anni V (717 - 717) Liutprand
Quotation Si servus dum in fuga est furtum fecerit, et ipsa fuga foris provincia exierit sic exinde procedat iudicium sicut gloriose memorie rothari rex instituit. Et si ipse servus intra provincia dilataverit tunc dominus eius habeat spatium ad eum requirendum per mensis tres…
Translation If a slave commits a theft while he is in flight and in his flight he goes outside the country, the judge shall proceed just as King Rothari of glorious memory decreed. But if the slave dallies within the country, then his lord shall have a period of three months to seek him out... (Emended from K. Fischer-Drew, trans., The Lombard Laws (1973), p. 148)
Summary Liutprand, No. 11 addresses the situation where an enslaved man flees and commits a theft while in flight: If he leaves the country, then the law establishes that Rothari’s earlier legislation remains in force. However, it then adds further information, detailing that should the fugitive remain within the country, then his lord has a period of up to three months to recapture him.
Quotation source MGH, LL 4, 1868 (F. Bluhme), p. 111
Temporal Coverage 717 - 717
Associated use case(s)
Comment The Liutprand Leges Anno V form part of the Leges Liutprandi [Text, ID:1098] and in turn are part of the collected Edictus Langobardorum [Text, ID:984].