Stelle Constantinopolitana urbs, quae priu...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), Antapodosis, Lib. 1, Cap. 11, p. 9, ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 50) [5751]

Basic Information
ID 5751
Text Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962) Liutprand of Cremona
Quotation Constantinopolitana urbs, quae prius Bizantum, Nova nunc dicitur Roma, inter ferocissimas gentes est constituta. Habet quippe ab aquilone Hungarios, Pizenacos, Chazaros, Rusios, quos alio nos nomine Nordmannos apellamus, atque Bulgarios nimium sibi vicinos; ab oriente Bagdas; inter orientem et meridiem Aegipti Babiloniaeque incolas; a merdie vero Africam habet et nominatam illam nimium vicinam sibique contrariam insulam Crete. Ceterae vero, quae sunt sub eodem climate nationes, Armeni scilicet, Perses, Chaldei, Avasgi, huic deserviunt.
Translation The Constantinopolitan city, which formerly was called Byzantium and now New Rome, is located amidst very savage nations. Indeed it has to its north the Hungarians, the Pizaceni, the Khazars, the Russians, whom we call Normans by another name, and the Bulgarians, all very close by; to the east lies Baghdad; between the east and the south the inhabitants of Egypt and Babylonia; to the south there is Africa and that island called Crete, very close to and dangerous for Constantinople. Other nations that are in the same region, that is, the Armenians, Persians, Chaldeans, and Avasgi, serve Constantinople.
Quotation source Antapodosis, Lib. 1, Cap. 11, p. 9, ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 50
Temporal Coverage 886 - 892
Associated use case(s)