Stelle Hoc in tempore rex Hugo datis decem...; (Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962), Antapodosis V, cap. 19, p. 141, ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 183) [5750]

Basic Information
ID 5750
Text Antapodosis (Liber retributionis) (958 - 962) Liutprand of Cremona
Quotation Hoc in tempore rex Hugo datis decem nummorum modiis pacem cum Hungariis fecit, quos ab Italia acceptis obsidibus expulit atque in Hispaniam dato eir praeduce direxit. Quod vero ad Hispaniam et ad civitatem ipsam, in qua rex vester moratur, Cordobam non venerunt, haec causa fuit, quoniam triduo per inaquosam et siti vastam regionem transierunt; outantes itaque equos seseque siti perituros praeduce Hugone concesso mortetenus verberato celeriori quam abirent impetu revertuntur.
Translation At that time King Hugh, having given ten measures of coins, made peace with the Hungarians; after accepting hostages from them, he expelled them from Italy, and, after giving them a guide, he directed them to Spain. In truth the reason why they did not reach Spain and the very city of Córdoba, where the king resides, is this: that they crossed through a vast, waterless region for three thirsty days; considering, therefore, that their horses and they themselves would die of thirst, having beaten to death the guide granted by King Hugh, they returned at a quicker pace than that with which they had advanced.
Quotation source Antapodosis V, cap. 19, p. 141, ed. Becker, trans. Squatriti, p. 183
Temporal Coverage 943 - 943
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects
Comment ? gehört die Stelle zur sp.c. über die alpine fortifications?