Stelle Theodorus cum multis milibus Romano...; (Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743), Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §16 (p. 312)) [5620]

Basic Information
ID 5620
Text Chronica Byzantina-Arabica (741 - 743) Anonymous - History
Quotation Theodorus cum multis milibus Romanorum apud Gabatham oppidum prelium fudit [...] Sarraceni, certi de tanta nobilium Romanorum strage prosrata, excusso Romani nominis metu, prouincias quas dudum inuaserant firmiter possederunt et apud Damascum, splendidissimam Syrie urbem, regnum locarunt.
Translation Theodorus gave a battle with the many soldiers of the Romans at the town of Gabatha [...] The Saracens were certain that such a great mass of Roman nobles had been laid low and they had shaken off fear of the Roman name. They thus firmly took possession of the provinces that they had invaded a little while ago, and they established a kingdom at Damascus, the most splendid city of Syria. (Al-Tamimi, trans., “Byzantine-Arabic Chronicle”, 2019)
Summary Here the Chronica Byzantina Arabica mostly likely recounts the Battle of Yarmouk in 636.
Quotation source Chroniques Anni 741, 2018 (Gil, ed.), §16 (p. 312)
Temporal Coverage 636 - 636
Associated use case(s)
Spatial Coverage Objects