Text Expositio psalmorum (540 - 548)

Metadaten zum Text
Legacy ID 173.0
Old primary key 173
Title Expositio psalmorum
Language lat
Century 6th.
From 540
To 548
not before 540
not after 548
Edition CC SL, 97; 98, 1958 (M. Adriaen)
Genre Biblical Exegesis
Original data {"tid": 173, "tautor": null, "tautor2": "", "tautor3": "", "ttitel": "Expositio psalmorum", "tzeitvon": "540", "tzeitbis": "548", "tjh": "6th. ", "tedition1": "CC SL, 97; 98, 1958 (M. Adriaen)", "tedition2": "", "tart1": "14", "tkommentar": "", "tort": "11", "tort2": "", "tort3": "", "tort4": "", "tort5": "", "tort6": "", "tautor1": "66"}
  • Cassiodorus
  • Place
  • Constantinople
  • Textstellen
    Basic Information
    ID 66.0
    PK 66
    Name (de) Cassiodor
    Name (en) Flavius Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus
    Name (lat) Cassiodorus
    Name (fr) Cassiodore
    Name (it) Cassiodoro
    Name (gr)
    Jahrhundert 5th - 6th c.
    von 485
    bis 580
    Ort Squillace
    GND https://d-nb.info/gnd/118519514
    Kommentar Roman statesman and scholar
    ID 11.0
    PK 11
    Name (antik) Byzantion/Byzantium/Constantinopolis
    Name (de) Konstantinopel
    Name (fr) Constantinople
    Name (it) Costantinopoli
    Name (gr)
    Längengrad 28.955
    Breitengrad 41.013611
    Art des Ortes Ort
    CSV {"ortid": 11, "ort_en": "Constantinople", "ort_antik": "Byzantion/Byzantium/Constantinopolis", "ort_de": "Konstantinopel", "ort_fr": "Constantinople", "ort_it": "Costantinopoli", "koordn": 41.013611, "koordw": 28.955, "art": "Ort", "kommentar": "", "kategorie": "", "heilige": ""}